Richard Buonomo

The FORTUNA team strikes a rare balance of professionalism and personal attention.

These guys work their butts off preparing and operating a sale. But stopping by their offices to study precious jewels, feels like stopping by a neighborhood pub. If “Friends” ran an auction house, it would be FORTUNA.

Each sale, FORTUNA’s catalog presents a deeper and wider selection of lots. This illustrates satisfaction building among consignors and bidders. They’ve created a unique jewelry auction culture now maturing to the point where we can’t afford not to be involved!

When I’ve experienced  issues with a purchased lot, FORTUNA effectively resolved the problem to my satisfaction. They may print the regular buyer beware language in their catalog. But I bid with confidence that these folks are too smart to leave a client unhappy.

Sure, this is how we earn our bread. But FORTUNA has not forgotten that jewelry is beautiful, personal and worthless if not joyful.